公開日 2025/02/04
インタビュー「財務の視点で強化する人事戦略―未来志向のリスクとリターンの見極めが鍵」 では、日本IBMで過去同時期にCHROを務めたZane Zumbahlen氏(ゼイン氏)とCFOを務めたBrian Johnson氏(ブライアン氏)との対話を通じて、人事戦略の策定や実行において、財務視点を取り入れ、リスクを見極めながら長期視点を持つことの重要性を取り上げました。今回は、日本で経営に携わってきたお二人ならではの視点をお伺いし、CHROとCFOの議論や連携に焦点を当て、経営戦略の実現に貢献する人事の実現や加速のためのヒントを探ります。
Fidelity Information Services(FIS Global) 人事担当シニアバイスプレジデント Zane Zumbahlen 氏
ユタ大学 デービッド・エクルズ経営学部 准教授、First Electronic Bank 取締役/監査委員会委員長 Brian Johnson 氏
ゼイン氏:私たちの組織にも類似の考え方のもと結成されているグループがありました。CFO、 COO(最高執行責任者)、CHRO、そしてCEO(最高経営責任者)の4人が軸となり、組織運営を行うという考え方です。この4人が共通の目的意識、戦略、ビジョン、目標を持ち、それに向かって各自が己の役割を果たしていくという構図が非常に効率的でした。人材開発など、一見人事の担当と思われるような内容でも、最高責任者同士が手を組むことで、時に大きなチャンスを生み、それが奇跡的な革新につながることがあります。
私は普段からCHROとしてビジネス戦略を立て、その戦略についてCFO、COOらと頻繁な意見交換をします。そのようにして打ち出した戦略的プランをCEOに投げかけ、採用されれば実際の戦略として展開していきます。もちろん私の専門分野は人事ですが、同時に事業における発言者となることが大事な役目だと思っています。例えば、私が務めていたCancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)では、CEOが会社を売却しようとしていたので、CFOやオペレーション責任者、私とで会社の将来についての価値提案を作成しました。次の3年間のビジネス戦略を立て、それをCEOに提案したところCEOがそれを受け入れ、社員への説明会や四半期報告会で使用しました。私はCHROとしての専門性を持ちながらも、ビジネスの擁護者であることが求められました。
In the previous article, Zane Zumbahlen, former CHRO at IBM Japan, and Brian Johnson, former CFO at IBM Japan, discussed the importance of taking a long-term perspective in developing and executing HR strategies while incorporating a financial perspective and assessing risk in the development and execution of HR strategies.
Senior Vice President of Human Resources, FIS Global
Zane Zumbahlen
Zane Zumbahlen is an experienced HR leader with a diverse background in industries such as technology, healthcare, and fintech. Over the course of 25 years at IBM, he served as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) and Executive Director at IBM Japan from 2015 to 2018. He has a proven track record in aligning human capital strategies with business goals to drive organizational growth. He led initiatives focused on improving productivity, advancing gender diversity, and fostering a culture of inclusion. His leadership also played a key role in transforming IBM Japan’s HR function, enhancing employee engagement, and supporting the company’s long-term strategic objectives.
Associate Professor at the University of Utah - David Eccles School of Business
Board Member/Audit Committee Chair at First Electronic Bank
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson spent 27 years at IBM, 17 of which were in Japan. Prior to 2011, Johnson held various leadership roles within IBM, including serving as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Asia-Pacific Business Consulting services. From 2011 to 2017, he served as Executive Director and CFO of IBM Japan, where he played a key role in driving revenue growth and improving financial performance. His leadership was instrumental in optimizing financial operations, which helped strengthen IBM’s position in the competitive Japanese market. Johnson is now an Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business, where he teaches and mentors the next generation of finance professionals.
――In our previous article, we asked you about the shift in the role required of finance and HR from management to deriving business insights from a long-term perspective and the role of the strategic CHRO. Once again, what were some of the characteristics of Japanese HR that you observed while you were involved in management in Japan, and how did they differ from HR in Europe and the U.S.?
Brian:In the past, there was less clarity in the strategy for human resources within the company was not well-defined. For example, in the hiring of new graduates, the emphasis was on securing the right number of employees, and there was a tendency to hire a fixed number of "new graduates" without regard to what skills and expertise each person had. This approach could create a large gap between the talent the company needed and the actual number of new hires, and it was not a strategic approach to hiring.
Zane:It is evident that it is more valuable to identify and hire high-quality people rather than just increasing the number of new graduates. Therefore, I consulted with Brian, our CFO, and visited many universities each year to research how we should find the best talent. Two efforts were key.
The first was to visit college campuses to show students what IBM was all about and how we were driving innovation for the future. We emphasized that IBM offered the same stability as Japanese companies while also being a step ahead in terms of innovation. In this way, we tried to leverage the power of the brand to attract the students' interest and make them want to work for IBM.
Second, we devised ways to identify the right people during interviews. We ensured that our brand message was conveyed accurately by communicating that the position is best suited for those who are comfortable with taking risks and who understand that failure is part of the process. As a result, we were able to attract the talent we were looking for, while those who felt the position wasn't a good fit were expected to voluntarily withdraw from consideration. This allowed us to strengthen our brand and improve our interview process, ensuring that we were hiring students with the qualities we desired.
――You have established a process that enables you to hire individuals who align with the company's brand and strategy after clarifying the necessary human resources. Brian, from your perspective, what are the characteristics of Zane's leadership?
Brian:I have lived in Japan for about 20 years and have seen executives in foreign-affiliated companies change many times. What I have noticed is that the difference between effective leaders and ineffective ones often comes down to their ability to listen to others. Effective leaders listen to people and try to understand them.
Since Zane took over, the personnel situation within the company has changed dramatically. He was particularly skilled at listening. He emphasized that "everyone's voice has value," and even in a Japanese company where traditionally, only senior employees' voices are valued, he gathered, respected, and reflected the voices of all employees, regardless of their career stage or gender, throughout the organization. I believe that Zane's approach of listening to every employee's voice has ultimately led to high returns for the company.
――Zane, why did you insist on respecting "the voices of all"?
Zane:This has to do with my upbringing and experiences. One aspect is that I was a sensitive child in every sense of the word because my parents passed away when I was young. Another reason is because I learned early that having an elevated ego created problems. Ego can be a person's greatest enemy when it comes to growth. I realized that by letting go of my ego and listening to others, I could better understand what was happening around me. I also learned that through repeated failures, we can achieve greater growth than we could through successes alone. I became convinced that taking risks and making mistakes are the keys to growth. Failures at a young age and early setbacks are essential to one's career and business. Without failure, you cannot evolve.
In addition, making any kind of change within a company requires a certain process. It involves looking for precedents, listening to those around you, and figuring out what your concerns are, among other things. The changes that occur may be small, but they must be persistent and long-lasting. A support system is also needed to sustain the change. This includes outreach, discussing concerns, counsel in decision-making, and personal coaching and mentorship. Additionally, it is important to identify where the risks are, as we discussed previously, and to evaluate whether larger risks should have been taken.
――Can you give us any specific examples of how the two of you have worked together at IBM Japan to bring about change in the company?
Zane:At one point, IBM Japan's sales team encountered a challenging situation. As an industry-leading company, our salespeople are expected to be innovation partners, but we were receiving feedback from customers that the salespeople who were visiting them were only offering small iterative suggestions for improvement and were not providing advice that looked ahead to future needs.
In response to this situation, Brian and I worked together to determine what needed to be done to stay informed about the market and competitive environment and to anticipate client needs. As a result, we recognized that we needed to plan something new for the future, considering our financial situation and other factors. Together with the marketing and sales managers, we developed a business case, built a financial model and cost estimates, and realistically projected the potential value if this were to be successful.
In practice, we stepped out of our comfort zone and encouraged the development of completely different concepts and creativity by trying out unconventional methods for our employees at the time, such as role-playing for our salespeople during internal training sessions. There were failures, of course, but ultimately, we were able to regain the strategic direction we needed to meet customer expectations.
Brian:At that time, it was challenging for Japanese companies to make significant reforms to move beyond the status quo, and they often believed that the best course of action was to 'do what we are doing now, but faster.' However, this approach was less effective. In this case, we needed to adjust our strong beliefs about how sales should be conducted. What we sought was not "evolution" but "innovation." As a result, changes began to gradually appear in the sales department. I see this as strategic human resource development from a long-term perspective.
――There is a concept called "G3" in which the CFO, CEO, and CHRO work together to run the organization. What are your insights and thoughts from the standpoint of the CHRO regarding collaboration among the top management of the organization?
*What is G3?
The world-renowned CEO advisor, Mr. Ram Charan, along with co-authors Dominic Barton and Dennis Carey, advocates for the three-headed management of CEO, CFO, and CHRO in their book, "Talent Wins: The New Playbook for Putting People First."
Zane:We had a group of people in our organization organized around a similar concept: a CFO, COO, CHRO, and CEO. These four individuals shared a common sense of purpose, strategy, vision, and goals, each playing their own role toward that end. Even in areas that might initially seem to be the responsibility of human resources, such as human resource development, collaboration among chief executives can create great opportunities and lead to significant innovations.
As CHRO, I usually formulate business strategies and frequently exchange opinions with the CFO, COO, and others regarding these strategies. I then present the strategic plan to the CEO, and if the plan is adopted, I develop it into an actual implementation strategy. While my specialty is in human resources, I also see it as an important role to be a voice in the overall business. For example, at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), the CEO was considering selling the company. In response, the CFO, Head of Operations, and I developed a value proposition for the future of the company. We created a three-year business strategy and proposed it to the CEO, who then accepted it and used it in employee briefings and quarterly updates. This role required me to be an advocate for the business while maintaining my professional expertise as a CHRO.
Therefore, much of my work today involves spending more time in discussions with CFOs and COOs, working with business leaders, and striving to lead the business in the right direction. In the US these days, the division of roles and responsibilities at the management level is becoming more fluid. As companies grow and mature, CHROs are becoming involved in a wider range of areas, collaborating with all aspects of the business, and having an influence over a broad spectrum of activities.
――Japan does not have many cases that have well-established roles of CFO and CHRO and in which the two individuals work together like the two of you. What kind of mindset and skills are needed to transform from a traditional HR manager to a CHRO—in other words, from a management-oriented role to being involved in business decision-making from a strategic perspective?
Zane:You will need to think beyond your own area of expertise or responsibility. In other words, instead of settling for your current situation, you must think outside the box and take pride in the fact that everything you do is an opportunity for new learning and improvement. There are a few tips to help you do this.
First, you must look beyond your role. How will your efforts impact others? What do you see when you intertwine your initiatives with market and industry trends? Are there places or insights where you can apply your initiatives? As you expand your thinking beyond your area of responsibility in this way, it is also important to have a vision for the future and to think about how to establish the foundation and structure to make that vision a reality.
Another important aspect of being a senior-level manager is identifying an ideal leader. I call the person whom I respect and want to emulate my "North Star." Always act with the "North Star" in mind, not only when you are trying to accomplish something but also when you are facing difficulties or feeling frustrated. The North Star is there to guide you.
Brian:I agree with Zane. In a subordinate role, it is possible to survive with a narrow or single area of focus. For example, as a finance director, you can manage without learning to compromise or work with other departments. However, to be successful as a CFO, you need to take a company-wide perspective rather than just a financial one. I believe the same applies to a CHRO.
※The content and titles in the text are all as they were at the time of publication.
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